Easy Way To Improve Core Web Vitals on WordPress (2024 Guide)

One certain thing is that your WordPress website’s speed and user-friendliness can make or break your online presence, while Core Web Vitals have become a crucial element of website performance. As website owners, we’re constantly challenged to enhance these aspects to guarantee a smooth user experience.

In today’s article, we’ll dive into the realm of Core Web Vitals, highlighting the challenges that website owners often encounter when striving to optimize these performance metrics. We’ll also examine their impact on SEO and user experience, discussing issues that can hinder improvement. Additionally, we’ll introduce you to our innovative solution, designed specifically to streamline the optimization process and address these challenges.

Understanding Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are a set of user-centric metrics that measure the loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability of a web page. Google, the search engine giant, relies on these metrics to evaluate the overall user experience of a website.

The three key metrics at the heart of Core Web Vitals are:

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a crucial metric used to evaluate the loading performance of a web page. It focuses on measuring the precise moment when the largest content element on a page becomes visible to users. This prominent content element often takes the form of a substantial image, video, or a significant block of text.

The faster the LCP, the quicker the page loads, which is essential for ensuring user satisfaction. It’s well-established that users tend to abandon websites that take an excessively long time to load.

Therefore, optimizing LCP can effectively reduce bounce rates and enhance user retention. Google recommends achieving an LCP of 2.5 seconds or less to ensure a positive user experience.

First Input Delay (FID)

On the other hand, First Input Delay (FID) assesses the interactivity of a webpage. It measures the time elapsed between a user’s initial interaction with the page, such as clicking a button or selecting a dropdown menu, and the moment the browser responds to that action.

Maintaining a low FID is crucial for delivering a responsive and seamless user experience. High FID values can lead to user frustration, particularly if visitors perceive delays when trying to interact with your site. For an optimal user experience, Google suggests aiming for an FID of 100 milliseconds or less.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Lastly, Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) evaluates the visual stability of a webpage. It quantifies the extent to which content shifts or moves during the loading process, and frequent layout shifts can be disruptive and frustrating for users.

Elements like images, advertisements, or fonts loading after the initial render can cause unexpected changes to the page’s layout. To ensure a positive user experience, Google recommends that web pages maintain a CLS score of 0.1 or less, thereby minimizing the disruption caused by layout shifts.

Website owners and developers should actively monitor these metrics, as Google considers them when ranking web pages in search results. Pages that offer a better user experience by meeting these Core Web Vitals are more likely to rank higher, making them more visible to users and potentially driving more organic traffic.

To improve these metrics, various techniques can be employed, such as optimizing images and other assets, leveraging browser caching, minimizing JavaScript execution, and adopting responsive design principles. Regular performance audits and testing are crucial to maintaining a positive user experience and ensuring that a website aligns with Google’s standards for Core Web Vitals. We’ll discuss more about these aspects below.

Web Vitals is an initiative by Google to assess web performance, measuring various aspects of user experience. In contrast, Core Web Vitals specifically focus on critical performance metrics that directly impact user satisfaction.

The impact of Core Web Vitals on SEO and UX

In this section, we will explore the impact that Core Web Vitals can have on your website’s performance in the digital arena. Let’s see how these metrics determine the fate of your SEO and UX efforts.

Google’s commitment to quality

It’s no secret that Google continuously refines its search algorithms to ensure users receive the most relevant and enjoyable online experiences. By incorporating these metrics into its ranking criteria, Google sends a clear message: fast-loading, smoothly functioning websites are a priority.

The SEO connection

At the heart of the matter lies the connection between Core Web Vitals and SEO. Websites that fail to meet the standards set by these metrics face a stark reality – lower search engine rankings. Google’s algorithmic preference for websites with stellar vitals directly translates to enhanced visibility in search results. As a result, SEO professionals must pay meticulous attention to these metrics to remain competitive.

A slow website spells trouble

Core Web Vitals provide a holistic view of a website’s performance. Slow-loading pages, indicated by a high LCP score, can deter users within seconds. The modern internet user has little patience for sluggish websites, and Google’s algorithm is no different. A slow website not only diminishes the user experience but also damages your SEO efforts.

User Experience takes center stage

Beyond its influence on search rankings, Core Web Vitals are linked to the user experience. The frustration resulting from poor vitals, such as unresponsive interactions (FID) or content unexpectedly shifting (CLS), can drive users away. This leads to higher bounce rates, lower page views, and decreased user engagement – all of which have far-reaching consequences on a website’s overall success.

Common issues affecting Core Web Vitals

Identifying and addressing issues that contribute to poor Core Web Vitals can be a daunting task.

Common culprits include:

  1. Large page elements: One of the primary factors impacting Core Web Vitals is the size of page elements, such as images, videos, and scripts. Large, unoptimized media files can significantly slow down page loading times, leading to a poor user experience. Optimizing and compressing these elements (especially large images) can greatly improve loading speed.
  2. Render-blocking resources: Certain resources like JavaScript and CSS can block the rendering of web pages, causing delays in the visual display of content. Minimizing render-blocking resources through various techniques like asynchronous loading, automatically generating above-the-fold CSS, and code splitting can help mitigate this issue.
  3. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Common causes include images and ads without predefined dimensions, dynamically injected content, or delayed loading of page elements. To address CLS issues, website owners need to ensure stable layouts and prioritize loading content above the fold first.
  4. First Input Delay (FID): Excessive JavaScript execution or heavy main thread activity can lead to high FID values. Minimizing JavaScript execution time and optimizing critical rendering paths can help reduce FID.
  5. Lack of browser caching: Not leveraging browser caching can result in repeated requests to the server for the same resources, leading to longer load times. By setting appropriate cache headers, websites can instruct browsers to store and reuse certain assets, reducing page load times for returning visitors.
  6. Slow server response: This can occur due to server overload, inadequate hosting, or inefficient database queries. Upgrading hosting, optimizing server configurations, and using content delivery networks (CDNs) can help improve server response times.
  7. Mobile optimization: Websites that are not optimized for mobile may suffer from issues like text that’s too small to read or elements too close together for comfortable tapping. Implementing responsive design and mobile-friendly practices is essential.
  8. Third-party scripts: While third-party scripts, such as those for analytics, social media, or advertising, can enhance website functionality, they can also introduce performance bottlenecks.
  9. Overloaded or unoptimized fonts: Loading multiple font styles and weights can contribute to longer loading times. Using system fonts or optimizing font delivery through techniques like font subsetting and preloading can help reduce font-related delays.
  10. Geographic server location: The physical location of your web server can affect loading times for users in different regions. Utilizing a content delivery network (CDN) to distribute content across multiple server locations can help mitigate this issue and improve global page load speeds.
Example of a failed Core Web Vitals Assessment via PageSpeed Insights
Example of optimization opportunities via PageSpeed Insights

Manual optimization: The difficult alternative

Addressing the common issues affecting Core Web Vitals mentioned above typically requires a combination of technical expertise, performance monitoring, and ongoing optimization efforts.

Google Chrome’s team website web.dev provides great insight and advice on how to improve your LCP, FID, and CLS. However, while some website owners may opt for manual optimization, it is a complex and time-consuming process. Here’s a glimpse of what it entails:

  1. Technical auditing: Begin with a comprehensive technical audit of your website. This involves using specialized tools and software to identify performance bottlenecks, large page elements, render-blocking resources, and other issues affecting Core Web Vitals. This audit serves as the foundation for your optimization strategy.
  2. Image optimization: Large images and unoptimized media files are major culprits for slow loading times. Optimization involves resizing and compressing images while maintaining acceptable quality. Additionally, consider using modern image formats like WebP and lazy loading techniques to load media only when it’s visible on the user’s screen.
  3. Code minimization and effficient script execution: Minimize unnecessary JavaScript and CSS files to reduce render-blocking resources. Prioritize critical rendering paths to ensure that essential content is loaded first. This may involve code splitting, asynchronous loading, and utilizing browser cache for frequently used scripts.
  4. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) mitigation: To address CLS issues, ensure that elements with dynamic dimensions (such as images and ads) have predefined sizes. Implementing responsive design principles and using placeholders for content that’s loaded asynchronously can prevent unexpected layout shifts.
  5. First Input Delay (FID) reduction: To lower FID, focus on optimizing the main thread by identifying and addressing JavaScript execution bottlenecks. This might involve deferring non-essential scripts, lazy loading, or code splitting to reduce the amount of JavaScript executed during page load.
  6. Server and hosting optimization: Enhance server response times by optimizing server configurations, database queries, and server-side code. Consider upgrading hosting plans or utilizing Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to distribute content closer to the user, reducing latency.
  7. Mobile optimization: Implement responsive design principles to ensure your website functions seamlessly on mobile devices. Test and fine-tune the user experience on smaller screens, addressing issues like touch target size, viewport scaling, and mobile-specific design elements.
  8. Third-party script management: Evaluate the necessity of third-party scripts and limit their use to only those that provide essential functionality. Employ techniques like asynchronous loading and script deferment to minimize their impact on page load times.
  9. Font optimization: Reduce font-related delays by using system fonts or employing techniques like font subsetting (loading only the required font glyphs) and preloading fonts to ensure they load efficiently.
  10. Content Delivery Network (CDN) implementation: Deploying a CDN can distribute your website’s content across multiple server locations, reducing the geographic latency experienced by users in different regions. This improves loading times and overall user experience.
  11. Regular monitoring: Performance monitoring is an ongoing process. Utilize tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, or various website performance monitoring services to continuously assess your Core Web Vitals and identify any new issues that may arise.
  12. Testing across browsers and devices: Ensure that your optimizations work consistently across different browsers and devices by conducting thorough cross-browser and cross-device testing.

Optimizing Core Web Vitals requires a combination of technical skills, patience, and dedication. It’s an iterative process that involves continuous monitoring and improvement.

FastPixel: The effortless solution

Tired of waiting for your website’s metrics to fall in line? Sounds like FastPixel is the solution you’ve been waiting for. This website accelerator plugin is purpose-built to zero in on the critical Core Web Vitals and streamline the optimization process. Here’s why FastPixel stands out:

Seamless installation and user-friendly interface

FastPixel’s installation process is designed with website owners in mind. Even if you don’t consider yourself tech-savvy, you can have FastPixel up and running on your WordPress site in no time. You can test one of your website’s pages to see how much faster your website can load, or download and install it.

Navigating the plugin’s user-friendly interface is as easy as point-and-click.

Once installed, FastPixel takes care of the heavy lifting for you. It automates a plethora of time-consuming tasks that can be time-consuming when done manually. This means you can focus your efforts on what’s important to your website’s success.

Tailored optimization

Behind the scenes, a set of speed optimization technologies and techniques have been developed, seamlessly integrating with WordPress sites. Though these gears may stay concealed, they labor tirelessly to enhance performance.

Page Optimization: This solution includes automatic cache warm-up and page caching, browser and session-aware caching, HTML/JS/CSS minification, critical CSS, CSS combining, and DNS prefetching and preloading.

Image Optimization: Smart image optimization by ShortPixel, adaptive image resizing, lazy loading, background image scaling and optimization, and automatic WebP / AVIF delivery based on browser capabilities.

Many Other Features: Reach users around the world with lightning-fast CDN, stay ahead of the curve by enhancing your site’s Core Web Vitals, streamline font delivery for a smoother user experience, and so on!

Support and updates

Need help or have questions? FastPixel offers dedicated support to assist you on your optimization journey.

Besides that, FastPixel doesn’t rest on its laurels. Expect regular updates and enhancements to keep your website at the forefront of performance standards.


Core Web Vitals play a crucial role in shaping your website’s performance, SEO rankings, and user experience. FastPixel provides a streamlined and user-friendly solution for optimizing these metrics, saving you valuable time that would otherwise be spent on laborious manual optimization.

Get Started for Free

Evaluate your website’s performance in a blink and compare the before/after results to check the enhancements it can bring to the table.

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Andrei Alba
Andrei Alba

Andrei Alba is a WordPress speed optimization specialist and wordsmith here at FastPixel. He enjoys helping people understand how WordPress works through his easily digestible materials.

Articles: 23