WordPress Plus Rapide,  Simplifié 

Le plugin de mise en cache tout-en-un pour WordPress qui accélère votre site web.

Boostez votre site web en quelques clics seulement

Rendez votre site web ultra-rapide en quelques minutes

FastPixel propulse votre site WordPress vers un niveau supérieur grâce à son moteur d'optimisation basé sur le cloud. En quelques clics, vous bénéficierez de temps de chargement ultra-rapides qui impressionneront vos visiteurs et amélioreront considérablement votre classement sur Google.

Propulsé par ShortPixel

Optimisation basée sur le cloud

Booster un site WordPress

CDN global intégré

Un seul plugin, performance totale

Pourquoi s'encombrer de plusieurs plugins pour la mise en cache, le CSS critique, l'optimisation des images et un CDN ? FastPixel réunit tous ces outils en un seul plugin optimisé par le cloud. Fini les approximations et la perte de temps – profitez d'une optimisation des performances simplifiée, tout-en-un.

Optimisation des performances

Optimisation des images

Mise en cache

Tellement simple que tout le monde peut l'utiliser

FastPixel est conçu pour être tellement intuitif que même votre grand-mère pourrait l’installer – aucune compétence technique requise ! Sous le capot, il regorge de fonctionnalités d’optimisation. Mais en surface ? Tout est clair, simple et facile à configurer.

Interface utilisateur simple

Facile à installer

Peu de réglages

Boostez votre site WordPress en 3 étapes simples


Téléchargez et installez FastPixel depuis le dépôt WordPress.


Ajustez les paramètres avant d'oublier le plugin en mode automatique.


Profitez des avantages d'une performance améliorée!

Fastpixel truly is one-click solution on simple sites, and even if you run into issues, it’s solved quickly with support. They’ve helped me identify javascript to exclude from delay, etc. Scoring 95+ on mobile on multiple sites. Just use it. You’ll learn so much about your site(s), how to make amazing things happen, and quick tweaks that make it even better.
I tested it on one of my clients websites and it is amazing! I just installed it and picked one of the presets presented in the plugin (I went with the fastest) and I got a score of 98 on PageSpeed Insights, where previously it had 58. It literally took me two minutes to setup. This result is what I usually get with 30-40 minutes of work configuring a plugin for server level caching on a LiteSpeed server.
This plugin’s fast and easy to set up—I barely have to configure anything. It caches, minifies, and compresses every page and even converts all images to WEBP. It’s perfect for small to medium-sized websites or bloggers who just want to skip the setup and focus on writing.
I use it since it is available as beta, and it speeds up my sites as fast as the big players. Especially the smartphone score gets a big boost. Minor bugs get fixed in a day or less in most cases.
Once you install the plugin, your website will become faster within a few minutes. It’s very easy to use, requiring no technical knowledge, as it automatically optimizes your website for improved speed—a must-have if you want a fast website.
I am a webagency and use WProcket. I have compared Fastpixel with WProcket and FastPixel outranked WProcket on Tools Pingdom, GT Metrics and google Pagespeed Insights.
WProcket I need to do setup and Fastpixel straight out of the box. And 1 very important benefit: Adrian support is super great. I wished all other support were like him. I have bought several Plan C for my clients. Go try it out and be amazed.
This is by far the best plugin I have used, and it works with only choosing your preferred setting, 1 selection is all that’s required. I went from a 56 performance on Google Page Speed Insights for mobile to 99% just by selecting the middle option. No compatibility issue, no complicated setup, just plug and play as they say.
Finally I could get rid of…..(won’t name the competitor) and get FastPixel which is much more cheaper and does the job. I have been using ShortPixel so I knew about these guys. Happy with plugin 🙂
We are the agency and this plugin helped a lot of our clients to optimize their website. It’s not even so expensive as other similar plugins. Well priced. It does the job. Nothing complicated. Even for non tech person as our clients it’s easy to install and manage automatically.
I’ve been personally using this little plugin for a few weeks and I can see some great results in terms of faster website. I’m not a tech person but what I can say is that it’s siginificantly faster on mobile than it was before. I reached out to support if they can help me with further optimization like images etc. and they were very helpfull.
The FastPixel plugin really improved the load speeds of my websites, desktop and mobile versions. my experience with the customer support was first cleass, they were able to identify and help with a caching issue I was having on one of the WP sites I ran. nicely done!
Brilliant Plugin by Brilliant people! The support I experienced from the Fast Pixel team was brilliant!
Nathan Griffin

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