FastPixel – Exclusions
2 min read
There may be times when certain pages or JavaScript files have compatibility issues depending on their content. In such cases, you might want to add one or more exclusions as detailed below.
Page Exclusions #
You can add full-page exclusions by going to your WordPress Dashboard > FastPixel > Settings > Settings tab
Only the page slugs need to be added, not the full URL. For example, if you want to exclude the checkout page and the URL is, simply add /checkout/ as an exclusion.
Bulk or wildcard exclusions are also supported. To exclude everything after /checkout/, use /checkout/* as the exclusion.
Parameter Exclusions #
To exclude pages from caching based on specific request parameters, list each parameter separately, placing each on a new line. When a page request includes any of the specified parameters, it will be automatically excluded from caching, ensuring compatibility and dynamic content display for those pages.
Example: param_name=param_value, another_param_name
JavaScript Exclusions #
The JavaScript exclusions can be added by going to your WordPress Dashboard > FastPixel > Settings > JavaScript tab
The exclusions can be added within the Exclusions field using the full URL to that JavaScript file
Using script IDs as exclusions is also supported and is the recommended approach, as it is cleaner and more efficient.
Example: waypoints-js, easing-, mousewheel (partial matches are also supported, so there’s no need to add the full ID if a single word matches)
RegExp Exclusions #
RegExp exclusions are also supported for more complex exclusions based on URLs, keywords, or regular expressions that can identify inline JavaScript or src attributes to exclude them from deferred execution. Each exclusion should be added on a separate line.
Example: fastpixel(\.min)?\.js or fastpixel.js\?ver=2\.8\.4 (for cases when your JavaScript files have version numbers at the end, such as ?ver=2.8.4)